Robert Mikkelson

Los Angeles, California

Contact: E-mail

Summary of Experience:

  My work has centered around microcomputers / microcontrollers software and hardware design for industrial control and monitoring applications.  I have developed and marketed over 50 products since 1980 for prototyping SMD components, adapters for RS232-RS422/485 conversion, industrial control cards for the STD BUS and IBM Pc (ISA and PCI bus). Prior to 1980, consulting employment had been concentrated on industrial control and monitoring for the entertainment industries.  I do not work through 3rd party contract organizations or jobshops and, do not seek work outside a 20 mile radius of Los Angeles county.

Employment Experience:

Leitch Inc. (now Harris) Burbank hardware design of ISA and PCI cards used in the VR300 broadcast video server. Several hundreds of cards have been delivered to customer.

Technicolor Inc., N. Hollywood, hardware/software design of microcomputer controlled process equipment. Projects included controllers for loop printer, contact printer, pan/scan and silver recovery units using the 8080 microprocessor. Design of 8085 based film footage display unit, motion picture film editing system and multi-user color correction editing system (wrote disk operating system in 8080 assembly language for last project).

Calaway Engineering / Software Systems, Sierra Madre, hardware design of IBM PC compatible cards to control RS232 and RS422 video peripherals, discrete relay control and a chopper/keyboard/dual serial card.  Hardware design of TTL controllers for video tape drive interface, hardware/software design of 8051 based SMPTE/video phase analyzer and Video/MIDI interface, hardware design of STD BUS compatible audio mixer interface. - have delivered over 2,100 assembled circuit cards to customer.

Foto-Kem, hardware/software design and production of motion picture film editing subsystem based on 8051 for use with McIntosh type computers - delivered 27 editing stations to customer. Hardware design of a dancer-arm and holdback-brake controllers for use on film copying equipment.

International Totalizator Systems (now ILTS), San Diego, hardware design and production of STD BUS based CRT controller for smart terminal - have delivered over 4,500 assembled circuit cards to customer.

Wahl Instruments (now Palmer Instruments) , Culver City - digitial hardware/software design of battery powered DHS-100 infrared pyrometer using 8051. BASIC programming of 4 point calibration software for detector/analog correction of pyrometer.

Allied Signal (now part of L-3 Communication), Westlake, Software design of communications system using an 8051. System used CPU card designed and manufactured by myself.

L-3 Communication, Sylmar , Software design of reeling machine. Code written to conform with IBIT / CBIT operation and redundant operation.

Rogerson Aircraft Controls, Santa Monica, HP BASIC software design of HPIB (IEE488) data acquisition system for analysis of aircraft fuel valve operation.

Data Devices International, Chatsworth, hardware/software design of magnetic tape analyzer system using Z80 microprocessor, cards designed around STD BUS format.

PerfectData Inc., Chatsworth, hardware/software design of 8051 disk runout gauge.

FMC Inc., Culver City, software design of Z80 auto-ranging voltage measurement for automobile motor analysis unit.

Magnavox Research Labs, Torrance, software design of test software in FORTRAN to analyze assembly language program modules for use on Global Positioning System (GPS).

TRW Data Systems, Hawthorne, Test Engineer - diagnostic evaluation of minicomputer systems down to the chip level. Specific experience in RS232C and RS422 communication interfaces and mag-tape controllers.

Apollo Lasers, Inc., Culver City/Chatsworth, head of electronics department, responsible for overseeing production of digital control units and hardware troubleshooting completed systems, hardware/software design of Z80 based LASER control system, cards designed to STD BUS format, code written in assembly language.

Hollywood General Machining / Losmandy, Hollywood, hardware/software design of 8051 based dual-stepper motor telescope tracking system used on G-11 and G-8 models.

A.A. - Electronics Technology, El Camino College, 1968-70
B.S. - Electronics Industrial Technology, Long Beach State University, 1970-72

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